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If you want to make things harder and don't want to use the builder:

Choose from 3 subdomains:

'thebestmemes' , 'venturecorp' , 'server-jet-pi'

once you know what subdomain you will use, follow these steps:

1: add '' to the end of the subdomain.

2: choose a number 1-7, here's what these numbers do.

1: location threat logger

2: porn image

3: rickroll

4: freeze browser

5: furry

6: furry porn

7: calculator

if you send calculator in a IM, it will actually pop up an embed of "middle click for calculator" and it actually opens up a calculator

remember that domain now? we are gonna use it

now add meme<number>.mp4 after /api/

for example:

What malicious software we have (for free):

'IP Loggers

Trojan RATs (viruses)

If your victim does open this malicious software, or IP Logger, contact "venturecorp" on discord.

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